everything until now and a basic format

If you didn't know I'm learning to program. Mostly because I have a desire to create something and most of my ideas require some level of coding. I've tried in the past and failed, but this time around I've found a more engaing format which works better for me. I originally found it when learning SQL but hadn't seen it replicated anywhere until recently when I found another site that focuses on backend languages in the same format. Check my progress directly here or check my PR's for summaries and insight.

This has been on the backburner a little bit because I wanted to create a site to serve as a form of asynchronous communication between my friends and I. Although after all of their dismay at me leaving/ghosting I think only langston actually checked it lol. I whipped up the first rendition by renting a small linode server, using ploi’s free tier to install wordpress, & transferring my domain from squarespace (formerly google) to porkbun. TLDR; squarespace dns sucks ass and you shouldn’t buy a .dev domain if you don’t known what you’re doing.

Then I decided to be a hipster and nuke that site, ditching wordpress/ploi & linode in favor of astro & netlify. I did this because I liked the return to 90’s neo-tech aesthetic of sites like lelouch.dev or the actual 90’s aesthetic of this french autist’s (incredible) life’s work.

I’ve come to see the value wordpress’ ease of use provides. After 5(?) days I’ve gained a vague understanding of html/js/css and the majority of the skeleton of this site but I’ve lost most of what I learned in the current section of the backend course and 5 days of studying. I could’ve achieved the same thing with this cutie in much less time. BUT in like 6 months when I learn JS and front end maybe I can actually make this site cool and will have a foundation already laid. And I inflated my github activity :].

Anyways all that to say I’ve been learning python, hope to be learning GO & JS soon, got sidetracked into webdev for a bit and would love to return one day. In the backend course I’m in what is heralded as by far the hardest section of the path & probably need to restart this course entirely because I was already struggling with it before pivoting to webdev.

Hopefully by the end of all this I can make things I’m proud of.
